If you are a Chinese student, you probably know that The University Entrance Examination has just finished. It is a big exam which judges students whether they can go to university and it is one of the important events in students' lives. Yesterday I chatted with my friend in China who had taken this exam for the second time. Probably because he has the same family name and from the same province as me, we get along very well with each other. He told me his result---failed again! He felt so disappointed and I felt so sad as well. I knew he was under great pressure last year because the exam is held annually, which means students have to wait one year more if they need to take it. I tried my best to consoled him but he still cried. A guy, cried, helpless...
Chinese Education System is like this, The University Entrance Examination is the only way that access to universities. They all concentrate your final mark, which takes 100%!!! If candidates feel nervous, sick or anything that not necessarily happened, they will fail it no matter how good they did before, Stupid! What a stupid exam! It makes the exam very significant and scared. I remember when I was a high school student in China, I could only get one and half days off after 2 -week study and 4 days off in summer break. Everyday I have to sit on my chair for over 9 hours in order to prepare the exam. The questions in the exam are very hard so that it can distinguish students into different levels, but some questions are nonsense, I mean students will never use them if they go to university or work. The only function is make the exam harder! All the students who finish high school will become exam's slave, no active and passion. Can you imagine they can get use to the society by having this ability?
I chatted with him till mid night and he felt better at last. One of his words that I can never forget: " I wish I could try again, but the time won't give me any permission."
I completely agree with you man!!!
Although I do not like Chinese education system, I like to take its tests. you will never know how happy you are now if you have not take chinese tests.
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