Today after the meeting with Mr. Lee, Mark, Eric, Megan, Theresa and I started to talking about our future. Well actually we got started to worrying about our future studies because all of us have met problem of choosing courses, for the time we would join the University is Winter but not fall. As we know, the new courses begin in Fall, and if we take courses in Winter, that means we must have missed some classes so that we gonna fail because of lack of knowledge. If we choose to give up and take new courses in Fall next year, that means we have to wait about 8 months!!! Therefore, we feel heritage a lot.
Take me as an example, my faculty is Engineering, and because the first year is called general,
so I have to study exact 5 courses each semester and these courses will be chosen by our faculty
staff other than myself, so everything just like a chain that well organized and could not be separated apart. After checking all the first year courses of Engineering, I will miss( have already missed) Design and communication and all the Mathematics courses which inlcudes infinitesimal calculus and Linear Algebra. I have learned a lot about science subjects so that I know the class will be extemely hard if people are short of fundmental knowledge. Although I am very interested in Mathematics and Physics, but make up for the knowledge of 4 months is almost impossible.
Now I deciede to ask my faculty advisors for help in order to make sure whether the winter courses are related to the Fall courses or not. If they do, how much pressure I have to take if I choose study in Winter. I have to think before leap because I would choose to wait rather than fail!!!
Because of LEAP's wonderful arrangement my plan screwed!!!
i think you will be fine cuz you are tough.
hello there, I need your support on my updated post, pls leave me comment. Thank you very much! mind my language..broken English
Don't worry! I believe that you will be fine, and overcome difficulties.
Well, Engineering people are crazy ..
Talking to your faculty advisors is the best bet. Never fear, it'll all work out in the end!
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