Due to it was the first time that SAW IV was showed to audience today, there were large amount of people there and before the movie started, no seat was available in the theatre. Although I have never seen other series that precede SAW IV so that it always made me confused, the scene of the movie was awesome, which was extremely violence and bloody. During the time of watching the movie, it was easy to see people get killed by cruel way. In addition, people easily get shocked by watching splash of blood. I remembered some description of this movie: "Brutal Violence, Gory Scenes, Disturbing Content" Well, it is true. When I left the theatre, I saw some girls was still sitting on their seats with clothes covered on their bodies and felt scared. I highly recommend you to watch this movie if you get bored; however, you had better think twice whether you can stand the scene of the movie!!

Horror movies freak me out! I guess it is horror movie season . . . Happy Halloween!
Yo, if polt confused you, you can ask me anything that you want to konw. It is no doubt that I can explain anything every clearly cuz I am a pro at this!!!woahahaha
Allen I wanna play a game!!!
So sad allen. I think you guys are tough! Actually i can watch some horror movies, but i am afraid of movie with blood. Just like SAW- the most bloody movie i have never seen!
Good for you guys. I am sacared of watching horror movie and I will dream a lot about horror things after watching them.
That is cool!!!I even didn't know the new series of saw has already played. I have watched 1,2,3 before. I don't know what you are guys thinking about. That movie are so excited that I can not wait to watch it~~~
I think that movie is too mean and disguisting!!!!!!
How can you and Mark bare it!!!!
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